As mentioned in the previous article, Yi Jing lived in Shili Foshi (Sumatra) for approximately 10 years and his stay has left a deep impression in his mind. As written in his notes, in the fortified city of Foshi, there were thousands of monks engaging in the study of all subjects that exist in Madhyadesa, […]
Archive for the ‘Chapter III’ Category
Biography of the Pilgrim Monk Yi Jing (635-713 CE)

Yi Jing was one of the three renowned pilgrims from ancient China, his two predecessors being Fa Xian and Xuan Zang. Fa Xian, was the first monk to embark on a pilgrimage to India, where he stayed for 15 years (399-414 CE). Xuan Zang on the other hand lived in India for 17 years (629-645 […]
Inquiries and Questions

Some interesting questions to be further investigated are: 1. What were the functions of the building complex in the Muarajambi region? With its similar architectural design as Nalanda, could Muarajambi complex be the most ancient seat of learning in Indonesia? 2. There are two places that were almost always mentioned in travelers’ journals. The first is […]